She chased him and, when she caught him, he attacked her, banging her head into a concrete surface. 1994), in which he states: . Roy went out and found Cain, whom he knew, and reported that Plakas was at the Ailes home and willing to come out. Courts cannot second guess the split-second judgements of a police officer to use deadly force in . The right was clearly established at the time of the conduct. Id. Cain knew there was an ambulance at that site and that Plakas could be examined more carefully there. In this record, there is expert opinion that Drinski might have been better trained to negotiate with Plakas and that he may have said one thing to Plakas that he ought not to have said, i.e., that Plakas could hit Drinski with the poker as long as it was not in the head. Shooting a man who has told you, in effect, that he is going to use deadly force against you and then moves toward you as if to do so is unquestionably an act of selfdefense even if, as Plakas's expert maintains, the man is attempting "suicide by police.". Koby frisked Plakas and then handcuffed him, with his hands behind his back. Morton v. Kirkwood, 707 F.3d 1276, 1281 (11th Cir. This guiding principle does not fit well here. In brief, after the officer stopped to help the man, his actions and his flight showed he was unhurt and may well have stolen the bike from which he fell. And, of course, judges are far more competent to say what equipment is needed to prepare a lawsuit than they are to say what equipment is best to defend one's self against an attack by a man with a poker, Likewise, we decline to impose a constitutional requirement to train the police to use all available equipment beyond the acceptable training program already mandated. Drinski did not believe that Plakas was ever ready to surrender, although he was calmer for a time. Oklahoma County Board, 151 F.3d 1313, 1320 (10th Cir. Plakas v. Drinski, 19 F.3d 1143, 1146 (7th Cir. Plaintiff: George Plakas: Defendant: Juul Labs, Inc., Altria Group, Inc., Philip Morris USA, Inc., Altria Client Services LLC, Altria Group Distribution Company . H91-365. At one point, Plakas lowered the poker but did not lay it down. 1992). In Plakas v. Drinski, 19 F.3d 1143 (7th Cir.1994), Plakas's administrator argued that the defendant officer, instead of shooting Plakas, should have used a non-lethal cannister of CS Gas he carried on his belt, or used a canine unit on the scene to take Plakas down, or tried to isolate him while keeping a safe distance. We do not think it is wise policy to permit every jury in these cases to hear expert testimony that an arrestee would have been uninjured if only the police had been able to use disabling gas or a capture net or a taser (or even a larger number of police officers) and then decide that a municipality is liable because it failed to buy this equipment (or increase its police force). Court found deputy sheriff's split-second decision to use deadly force to protect himself was objectively reasonable even though suspect was handcuffed where subject was armed with fireplace poker and had already assaulted one officer with the poker. An alternative plan could have reduced or eliminated the possibility of the arrestee's use of a gun. . Cain left. In this sense, the police officer always causes the trouble. He moved toward her. There are a wide variety of devices available for nonlethal control of those who refuse to surrender, including tasers, capture nets, sticky foam, rubber bullets, and beanbag projectiles. In her response to Drinski's Motion for Summary Judgment, Plaintiff argues that the Indiana Dead Man's Statute, Ind. 1994); Martinez v. County of Los Angeles, 47 Cal. Warren v. Chicago Police Dept. It is significant he never yelled about a beating. 2d 772 (1996). We do not return to the prior segments of the event and, in light of hindsight, reconsider whether the prior police decisions were correct." 7) Drewitt v. . Bankruptcy Lawyers; Business Lawyers . He fell on his face inside the doorway, his hands still cuffed behind his back. Salas v. Carpenter, 980 F.2d 299, 310 (5th Cir. Plakas told them that he had wrecked his car and that his head hurt. Jo Ann Plakas, Individually and As Administrator of Theestate of Konstantino N. Plakas, Deceased,plaintiff-appellant, v. Jeffrey Drinski, in Both His Individual and Officialcapacity and Newton County, Indiana, a Municipalunit of Government, Defendants-appellees, 19 F.3d 1143 (7th Cir. Other than random attacks, all such cases begin with the decision of a police officer to do something, to help, to arrest, to inquire. Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. After a brief interval, Koby got in the car and drove away. The background: Konstantino Plakas wrecked his vehicle in Newton County, Indiana, and walked away from the scene of the crash. The fact remains that both officers say that Drinski's retreat occurred and that it ended by virtue of some circumstance other than Drinski's volition. Then gripping it with both hands, he continued screaming, louder and louder at Cain and Koby. In brief, after the officer stopped to help the man, his actions and his flight showed he was unhurt and may well have stolen the bike from which he fell. At times Plakas moved the poker about; at times it rested against the ground. There is no precedent in this Circuit (or any other) which says that the Constitution requires law enforcement officers to use all feasible alternatives to avoid a situation where deadly force can justifiably be used.5 There are, however, cases which support the assertion that, where deadly force is otherwise justified under the Constitution, there is no constitutional duty to use non-deadly alternatives first. Perras said that he did not use the CS repellant because he was too far from Plakas and because it might have landed on his fellow officers. He hit the brakes and heard Plakas hit the screen between the front and rear seats. Paul F. Michel (argued), Thomas McClure, Rosa A. Eliades, Elliott & McClure, Bourbonnais, IL, for Jo Ann PLAKAS. King, Koby, Cain and Trooper Lucien Mark Perras of the Indiana State Police responded, as did Deputy Sheriff Jeffrey Drinski. Cited 651 times, 105 S. Ct. 1694 (1985) | It is from this point on that we judge the reasonableness of the use of deadly force . Here it is beyond dispute that, under the Constitution, the police could reasonably (1) arrest Plakas for drunk driving after he exhibited familiar signs of intoxication; (2) track down an escaping arrestee; (3) draw and point weapons after Plakas armed himself and attacked an officer; (4) pursue Plakas into the clearing after he committed a violent offense and was a danger to himself; and (5) try to talk Plakas into disarming himself and surrendering. Nearly every court has commented on that fact that all decisions about deadly force (or any force) "must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split second judgments--in circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving." Deputy Drinski passed by the injured Koby and asked him with what he was hit; Koby told him that Plakas had a poker. 2d 1 (1985). From this, Plakas argues a jury could infer that Officer Koby had beaten Plakas. Plakas V. Drinski. And there is no reason to discount the testimony of Trooper Perras; he is neither a defendant himself nor employed by the defendant Newton County. Leaving aside the absence of evidence of facial injuries from medical records or post-mortem observation, we accept that Mrs. Ailes saw these injuries. He can claim self-defense to shooting Plakas. 1992). at 1276, n. 8. armed robbery w/5 gun, "gun" occurs to ZAGEL, District Judge. Drinski's retreat was involuntarily stopped, either by his backing into a tree or by a near stumble of some sort. 7. The answer is no. What Drinski did here is no different than what Voida did. 635 (1987) , the Supreme Court held that when an officer of the la w (in this case, an FBI officer) conducts a search which violates the Fourth Amendment , that officer is entitled to qualified immunit y if the officer proves that a reasonable officer could ha ve believed that the search Officers found out that Plakas was involved in an accident, so an officer drove Plakas back to the scene. Drinski was in fear of his life, and Plakas's action was sudden and unexpected. Voida could not have subdued Tom through lesser means, as she did not have her nightstick with her and she feared that reaching for her chemical repellant would expose her weapon to Tom's grasp. Graham, 490 U.S. at 396-97; see also Sherrod v. Berry, 856 F.2d 802, 806-07 (7th Cir. Plaintiff: Constantinos Plakas: Defendant: Urban Distribution Systems, Inc. and Robert DeMartin: Case Number: 1:2013cv02533: Filed: April 26, 2013: Court: Drinski and Perras had entered the house from the garage and saw Plakas leave. Through an opening in the brush was a clearing. When Cain and Plakas arrived, the ambulance driver examined Plakas. According to Monell V. Department of Social Services Supreme Court held that local_under Section 1983, U.S.C when a_of the entity causes_ . Moreover, about ten minutes before the shooting, the services of a canine unit (from Lake County) were offered. The fact remains that both officers say that Drinski's retreat occurred and that it ended by virtue of some circumstance other than Drinski's volition. Actually, the photograph is not included in the record here. They talked about the handcuffs and the chest scars. Even if Koby did beat Plakas, Koby was not at the scene of Plakas's demise. As Plakas moved toward Drinski, was he supposed to think of an attack dog, of Perras's CS gas, of how fast he could run backwards? Deputy Drinski passed by the injured Koby and asked him with what he was hit; Koby told him that Plakas had a poker. Second, Drinski said he was stopped in his retreat by a tree. She fired and missed. Plakas's administrator claimed that the self-defense story was full of holes and that, even if it were not, Drinski and the county which employed him had a constitutional obligation to do more to preserve his life than they did. The police gave chase, shouting, "Stop, Police." Roy told him that he should not run from the police. He turned back to Drinski who was 12 to 15 feet away and, with the poker raised, charged at Drinski who backed away. McGarry v. Board of County Commissioners for the County of Lincoln, et al. The Law Enforcement Academy Podcast exists to provide the highest quality training content and valuable educational services to persons or organizations in law enforcement and related fields and to stimulate thought, ideas, and discussion in furtherance of evolving law enforcement training and education focused on human performance technology and improvement. In Koby's car, the rear door handles are not removed. It is obvious that we said Voida thought she had no alternatives. From a house Plakas grabbed a fire poker and threaten the . Drinski did most of the talking. 51, 360 N.E.2d 181, 188-89 (1977). Koby told Plakas that this manner of cuffing was department policy which he must follow. As he did so, Plakas slowly backed down a hill in the yard. She fired and missed. Plakas implicitly argues that although Drinski's choice among available alternatives was reasonable, he should have had more choices, i.e., a trained canine, a canister of gas.6 Plakas implicitly seeks to hold Newton County liable for not providing those choices. If the officer had decided to do nothing, then no force would have been used. Civ. Code Ann. Circumstances can alter cases. He also said, in substance, "Go ahead and shoot. His car had run off the road and wound up in a deep water-filled ditch. Circuit Rule 28(d); Branion v. Gramly, 855 F.2d 1256, 1260-61 (7th Cir. 1994) case opinion from the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Cited 43 times, 855 F.2d 1271 (1988) | Reaching for the chemical repellant exposed the firearm to her assailant, so she decided for the firearm and not the CS gas. Finally he rushed at Koby and swung quite hard at Koby, striking Koby's wrist with the poker. Joyce and Rachel helped him. None of these devices is unfailingly effective and safe, and courts and juries are unlikely to be capable of judging when they ought to be used. In Tom v. Voida we were not addressing Officer Voida's decision to shoot; we were addressing her decision to draw her firearm and, even there, we spoke of a decision process that was quick and simple. Plakas' mother, the Administratrix of his estate, has filed suit under 42 U.S.C. Before CUMMINGS and COFFEY, Circuit Judges, and ZAGEL, District Judge.*. 1988) (en banc), police officers shot and wounded a masked bank robber fleeing from the scene of his crime. A training program would be created under the bill that would cover racial bias and duty to intervene, and the measure would require that police officers use deadly force only as a last resort and use de-escalation techniques. Further, says Plakas, a photograph of the clearing shows there was no tree there to stop Drinski, just a sapling, and there are no footprints corroborating Drinski's story of retreat. Joyce saw no blood, but saw bumps on his head and bruises. After he was shot, Plakas fell to Drinski's right and lay face down semiconscious on the ground. Tom v. Voida is a classic example of this analysis. Voida could not have subdued Tom through lesser means, as she did not have her nightstick with her and she feared that reaching for her chemical repellant would expose her weapon to Tom's grasp. After a brief interval, Koby got in the car and drove away. Cain left. It became clear she could not physically subdue him. Plakas V Drinski. Plakas turned and faced them. Since medical assistance previously had been requested for Koby, it was not long in coming. This is not a case where an officer claims to have used deadly force to prevent an escape. Alfredia Edwards as Independent Administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Edwards v. Officer John Doe et al, Thomas Leiter v. Joseph Bumbaugh and Town of Winona Lake, Favela v. Las Cruces Police Department et al. Konstantino Plakas was shot once and killed by Jeffrey Drinski, a deputy sheriff. This inference, however, cannot reasonably be made. An alternative plan could have reduced or eliminated the possibility of the arrestee's use of a gun. My life isn't worth anything." He fled but she caught him. Twice the police called out, "Halt, police," but the plaintiff may not have heard. Tom v. Voida did not, and did not mean to, announce a new doctrine. This theory is founded on the fact that Plakas told Koby, "You hurt me," and on Joyce Ailes's observation that Plakas had facial injuries. Hyde v. Bowman et al Filing 82 ORDER ADOPTING the 78 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS as the Court's opinion, overruling Hyde's 81 Objections, dismissing all of his claims, and directing the Clerk of Court to close this case. Second, Drinski said he was stopped in his retreat by a tree. The Fourth Amendment does not require officers to use the least intrusive or even less intrusive alternatives in search and seizure cases. Plakas argues there is enough evidence to cast doubt on the defendants' self-defense claim, given the low threshold that courts have set for refuting self-defense in deadly force cases both civil and criminal. 1977). The proposition that an officer who beats John Doe may not use self-defense to justify killing Doe, who later attacks him, rests on the idea that because the officer's wrongful acts caused the attack, he cannot take advantage of his fear of retaliation to defend against liability. Roy tried to talk Plakas into surrendering. French v. State, 273 Ind. 4. But when she did so, Plakas had already been in one car accident, had cracked his head against the front seat shield in Koby's car, had run a considerable distance through forest and open terrain with his hands cuffed behind his back and, finally, when he entered the Ailes home, he did so by falling face down on the floor. at 1332. Plakas implicitly argues that although Drinski's choice among available alternatives was reasonable, he should have had more choices, i.e., a trained canine, a canister of gas.6 Plakas implicitly seeks to hold Newton County liable for not providing those choices. Roy tried to talk Plakas into surrendering. They followed him out, now with guns drawn. He tried to avoid violence. 1992), it was claimed that the police had so poorly planned an arrest that the chance of a deadly gunfight was increased rather than minimized. In affirming summary judgment for the officer, we said. We refuse to impose as an additional constitutional requirement the firing of a warning shot before deadly force may be used." Cain approached Plakas and saw that Plakas's clothing was wet from the waist down. The only witnesses to the shooting were three police officers, Drinski and two others. 1992). The tree-sapling discrepancy is of the sort on which popular conspiracy theories are built, but it is not enough to allow a rational trier of fact to decide against Drinski. He saw Plakas cock the poker over his head for a swing and, when Plakas was two arms lengths away, he fired once at Plakas' chest. As Plakas moved toward Drinski, was he supposed to think of an attack dog, of Perras's CS gas, of how fast he could run backwards? Argued Nov. 1, 1993. At one point, Plakas lowered the poker but did not lay it down. This inference, however, cannot reasonably be made. Perras and Drinski entered the clearing. For the next quarter-hour or half-hour, Drinski and Perras tried to talk Plakas into surrendering. 34-1-14-6 (West 1983), bars Drinski and fellow officers, Buddy King, David Koby, and other deputies, officers, and employees of Newton County, Indiana from testifying to any statements or occurrences which took place . As the police moved in, Plakas turned, tripped over a wire fence, and then ran into the woods, still carrying the poker. Plakas died sometime after he arrived at the hospital. 2d 1116 (1976). Inside the house, Plakas took the poker, slammed it into the wall1 and then beat his head against the wall. Plakas v. Drinski, 19 F. 3d 1143 (7th Cir. Such that an objectively reasonable officer would have understood that the conduct violated the right. Indeed, Plakas merely states this theory, he does not argue it. Plakas refused medical treatment and signed a written waiver of treatment. Koby sought to reassure Plakas that he was not there to hurt him. 2014) (deadly force case in which police officer fatally shot suspect: court said that fact defendant . It is significant he never yelled about a beating. In affirming summary judgment for the officer, we said. Joyce Ailes heard Dino banging against the house; she saw him and opened the door. Plakas died sometime after he arrived at the hospital. Taken literally the argument fails because Drinski did use alternative methods. The police could have tried to put barriers between themselves and Plakas and maintain distance from him. 1993 . Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1, 3, 85 L. Ed. Plakas complained about being cuffed behind his back. We do not return to the prior segments of the event and, in light of hindsight, reconsider whether the prior police decisions were correct. See Reed v. Hoy, 909 F.2d 324, 330-31 (9th Cir. Plakas opened his shirt to show the scars to Drinski. We do not think it is wise policy to permit every jury in these cases to hear expert testimony that an arrestee would have been uninjured if only the police had been able to use disabling gas or a capture net or a taser (or even a larger number of police officers) and then decide that a municipality is liable because it failed to buy this equipment (or increase its police force). United States District Court, N.D. Indiana, Hammond Division. He knew the Aileses, Roy and Joyce; he was engaged to marry their daughter, Rachel. Plakas's administrator claimed that the self-defense story was full of holes and that, even if it were not, Drinski and the county which employed him had a constitutional obligation to do more to preserve his life than they did. Reaching for the chemical repellant exposed the firearm to her assailant, so she decided for the firearm and not the CS gas. But Plakas does have at least one opinion on which he may build his argument, that is, Tom v. Voida, 963 F.2d 952 (7th Cir. United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. The plaintiff argued the police ought to have fired a warning shot, which surely he would have heard. During the entire time in the clearing, Perras had a canister of CS repellant on his belt.2 It could have been used to disable Plakas. Heres how to get more nuanced and relevant As he did so, Plakas slowly backed down a hill in the yard. But it is trouble which the police officer is sworn to cause, which society pays him to cause and which, if kept within constitutional limits, society praises the officer for causing. At one point Plakas pointed the poker at Drinski and said, "Either you're going to die here or I'm going to die here." Drinski believed he couldn't retreat because there was something behind him. Cited 42 times, 909 F.2d 324 (1990) | Cain said that Plakas was not slamming the poker into the wall, rather, he was starting toward Cain and perhaps swinging it at Cain and missing. Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1, 3, 105 S. Ct. 1694, 1697, 85 L. Ed. Since Drinski did not violate Plakas's rights, there usually is no basis for holding his employer, Newton County, liable. Plakas V. Drinski - Ebook written by . They could have used disabling chemical spray, or they could have used a dog to disarm Plakas. United States Court of Appeals . There they noticed Plakas was intoxicated. In Carter, such an alternative was not merely speculative; the arrestee was employed inside a prison where he would not have had a gun on his person. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. It is true we consider the whole of the event as it appears to the officer involved, but we recognize that the decision to shoot can only be made after the briefest reflection, so brief that "reflection" is the wrong word. Subscribe to Justia's Free Summaries of Eleventh Circuit opinions. Drinski blocked the opening in the brush where all had entered the clearing. First, according to Drinski, Plakas charged away from the brush at Drinski, yet one paramedic who was summoned to the clearing to administer to Plakas observed that Plakas's feet were about a foot from the brush. Plakas often repeated these thoughts. See Martin L. Fackler, M.D., Police Handgun Ammunition Selection, WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW, Fall 1992, at 32-37 (suggesting little effect beyond stopping movement). See Gilmere, 774 F.2d at 1501 ("any fear on the officer's part was the fear of retaliation against his own unjustified physical abuse").4 Drinski did not cause Plakas to attack him. Plakas v. Drinski, supra, 19 F.3d at 1148; Myers v. Oklahoma County Board, supra, 151 F.3d at 1318-19. Plumhoff v. Rickard (2014) -Similar decision to Scott v. Harris - firing 15 shots into a vehicle/the presence of a passenger did not amount to excessive force. We always Judge a decision made, as Drinski's was, in an instant or two. Koby also thought that he would have a problem with Plakas if he uncuffed him. Cited 105 times, 774 F.2d 1495 (1985) | 3. Subscribe Now Justia Legal Resources . Illinois. The only test is whether what the police officers actually did was reasonable. Dockets & Filings. It is true we consider the whole of the event as it appears to the officer involved, but we recognize that the decision to shoot can only be made after the briefest reflection, so brief that "reflection" is the wrong word. Our answer is, and has been no, because there is too little time for the officer to do so and too much opportunity to second-guess that officer. In any event, Drinski did not say he was stopped by running into a tree, he said it felt as though he ran into a tree and there is nothing in the record to contradict this testimony other than counsel's speculation that an officer who backs into a sapling would not reasonably believe a tree was at his back. But Plakas does have at least one opinion on which he may build his argument, that is, Tom v. Voida, 963 F.2d 952 (7th Cir. Roy told him that he should not run from the police. Filing 89. Plakas crossed the clearing, but stopped where the wall of brush started again. The officers told Plakas to drop the poker. On the way to the scene of the accident, Cain noticed Plakas walking along State Road 10. Plakas agreed that Roy should talk to the police. Plakas was transported to the jail and Plakas escaped from the patrol car. She alleges that her son was armed with only a fireplace poker and posed no serious threat to the safety of Drinski or others. 1994), and Russo v. City of Cincinnati, 953 F.2d 1036 Plakas argues there is enough evidence to cast doubt on the defendants' self-defense claim, given the low threshold that courts have set for refuting self-defense in deadly force cases both civil and criminal. 2d 65 (1983); United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543, 556-57 n. 12, 96 S. Ct. 3074, 3082 n. 12, 49 L. Ed. Jo Ann PLAKAS, individually and as Administrator of the Estate of Konstantino N. Plakas, deceased, Plaintiffs, v. Jeffrey DRINSKI, in both his individual and official capacity and Newton County, Indiana, a municipal unit of government, Defendants. We do not know whether there was any forensic investigation made at the scene. The shot hit Plakas in the chest inflicting a mortal wound. 2. The answer is no. One of the claims most strongly urged by the plaintiff was that the officer had "a duty to use alternative methods short of deadly force to . 2d 1116, 96 S. Ct. 3074 (1976). For the next quarter-hour or half-hour, Drinski and Perras tried to talk Plakas into surrendering. Drinski did not lay it down because Drinski did use alternative methods poker! Clear she could not physically subdue him backed down a hill in the brush was clearing... 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